Friday 27 December 2013

Art and Inspiration

As of late, I've found myself strangely attracted to that one aisle in our "Main" library, the aisle full of books solely consecrated to the history and theory of art. These books filled with tons of hypnotizing photos and pictures have been my trusty companion during my finals preparation. They managed to elevate my spirits through the agonizing 3 hour study sessions, and I've been hooked on them ever since. Well, hooked on the art in them, that is.
And through the little things that I noticed, like spending a ridiculous time on tumblr searching for baroque churches or commissioning my friend to "look at the marble asses at Louvre" , I've come to the conclusion that classical art has become my main source of inspiration.

Caravaggio - The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 1601 - 1602