Friday 27 December 2013

Art and Inspiration

As of late, I've found myself strangely attracted to that one aisle in our "Main" library, the aisle full of books solely consecrated to the history and theory of art. These books filled with tons of hypnotizing photos and pictures have been my trusty companion during my finals preparation. They managed to elevate my spirits through the agonizing 3 hour study sessions, and I've been hooked on them ever since. Well, hooked on the art in them, that is.
And through the little things that I noticed, like spending a ridiculous time on tumblr searching for baroque churches or commissioning my friend to "look at the marble asses at Louvre" , I've come to the conclusion that classical art has become my main source of inspiration.

Caravaggio - The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 1601 - 1602

Saturday 2 November 2013

It's the spoopiest time of the year!

Because using the word "spooky" is soo last year.

Now, believe it or not, to this day I haven't been to any halloween party. Of course, there has always been the strong craving of spending Halloween in Disneyland, but when you don't get around doing that, you might as well scare people and small children on the public transport with your besties.
At least that's what I did.

Friday 11 October 2013

Bewitched, bothered and bewildered.

I've always wanted to go to a pumpking patch.
So we, me and my babushka, did a bit of an experiment. And I was very pleased that our autumn afternoon shenanigans, that were supposed to be spend in some random park,we actually switched to a pumpkin exhibition instead. Now, I didn't really know that something like this existed in our country, but apparently the Prague Botanic Garden is helding one such event till the 23rd. And so, when we found about it, we didn't waste any more time and flooded the sketchy streets of Troja.
I have to admit, the exhibition was absolutely stunning. There was, of course, a ridiculous amount of all sorts and kinds of pumpkins being displayed, so we just couldn't resist touching every single one of them. Oh and taking so many photos of everything, like the teenage white girl assholes we are.
And the atmosphere of that place! Everything was so colourful, the leaves changing, the skies gray...ugh just beautiful!
However, I guess it wouldn't be a true autumn day without a bit of a rain, so about thirty minutes in to our pumpkin exploration mission, we were forced to leave (read: find the exit) by the heavy pouring. Not to mention that on our way back we almost got lost in a forest...
Oh you silly adventures!

more under the cut...

Wednesday 25 September 2013

And we laugh like soft, mad children smug in the wooly cotton brains of infancy.

Tha bad news is I am getting older. The good news is that I am getting older accompanied by a group of the most amazing people I have ever met.

Sunday 8 September 2013

On Wednesdays we wear pink.

Surely, acting like a sassy disney princess, or straight up Charlotte la Bouff, must be a great defense mechanism! Or so it has been for me, in the last few days. I admit I was always a nerve-wracked pool of emotions, so coming back to school kinda stressed was only natural. But of course, the reality possibly could not be better.
My friends and babushkas were all great as I expected, plus I was very surprised at how our professors had already started to treat us like reliable adults. I just sincerely hope that they will continue doing that.
Other than that, the preparations for my b-day party are in full swing! And If I am not going through Pacific Rim fanfiction, doing various papers for school or watching Its Always Sunny, I am probably picking up new disney garlands or pink balloons. Because pink makes everything so much better.

this is how we do it- marzipan strawberries-bathing in unicorn blood-and at night we make rapsberry tarts

an old-ish coordinate-big locker pimpin-diglee ♥

Oh yeah and next time, I promise I´ll do a proper post!
Until then, 

Friday 30 August 2013

Je me suis cachée derrière l’existentialisme

Ok guys, I know I have been slacking off lately. But I can assure you, thats just because I did not have anything really interesting to write about. And also, I have been doing some things to school, since you know, I am going back in 2 days.
But now, the boys are back in town! Well, sorta, at least I have a recent outfit post and some rambles about my personal life. And who would not like to read about that.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

I ♥ Fall Tag

Okay okay guys, I know I am getting a bit annoying with all the autumn/fall stuff on my blog, but really, fall couldn´t come soon enough! Especially since theres this post on Temptalia´s blog. Which kind of gave me all the excuses to do this.
